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Age Management of West Michigan

Integrative Medicine

Conventional, Functional, and Anti-Aging Regenerative Medicine located in Grand Rapids, MI.
Dr. Shahnaz Ali            Dr. Piyush Bhatnagar


Functional Neurology

The human brain is a hierarchy of 100 billion neurons that are precisely organized into functional neurological networks that directly interact with all functions of the human body. Research shows that these neurological networks function sub-optimally in a state of disease, inflammation, and poor nutrition. Age Management of West Michigan utilizes an integrative approach of diagnostic testing, functional medicine, and EEG Neurofeedback to rebalance underlying physiological systems and address lifestyle factors to optimize brain function and alleviate behavioral symptoms.

The Gut-Brain Axis

The Gut-Brain Axis comprises a complex connection of 500 million neurons and trillions of microbes that make up the enteric nervous system that is often referred to as the body’s “second brain.” Research shows that disruptions in this physical and biochemical connection directly affects digestion, mood, inflammation, cognitive decline, and overall brain function. Age Management of West Michigan utilizes diagnostic testing, along with a comprehensive gastrointestinal repair and restore program to address and repair GI dysfunction, so optimal Gut-Brain Axis function can be restored. Research show that Gut-Brain Axis dysfunction is a primary underlying contributor to cognitive decline and most mood disorders.


Integrative Functional Treatment Approach

Gut-Brain Axis Function

Restore Gut-Brian Axis Function

  • GI Repair and Restore Program: Comprehensive 17 week program that reduces GI inflammation, repairs underlying gastrointestinal damage, and rebalances the gut microbiome to optimize gastrointestinal and immune system function to strengthen and restore Gut-Brain Axis function

    Diagnostic Testing

  • GI Effects Comprehensive Stool Profile

  • NutraEval FMV Profile

  • 15 IgG/15IgA Mold Panel 

  • 184 IgG Food Sensitivity Test

  • SIBO Testing

  • ASI / Adrenal Stress Index

LENS Neurofeedback

  • LENS Neurofeedback is FDA approved for brain relaxation and self-regulation to correct abnormal brain-wave activity and stimulate neuroplasticity

  • EMF pulsative therapy that stimulates the reorganization of brain network patterns to increase cognitive function, strengthen stress resilience, and restore brain plasticity.

  • LEVEL 1 – Best support intervention for attention and hyperactivity behavioral issues

  • Faster results with no retraining activities compared to traditional biofeedback.

  • 85% success rate with all age groups.

Neuro-Health Life Plan

The Integrative Neuro-Health lifestyle and nutrition plan  to correct imbalances and support optimal brain growth and development.

  • A personalized Neuro-Health nutrition plan

  • Nootropic nutritional supplementation

  • Brain-Body training routine

  • Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) prevention strategies

  • Cognitive enhancement activities

  • Mindfulness and behavioral modification strategies

  • Alternative anti-aging treatment protocols (IV therapy, nutrient injections, Hormone therapy, etc)

A natural, non-medication approach that treats all ages


ADD/ADHD Learning Disorders
Autism Spectrum


Anxiety Depression Stress


Concussion PTSD TBI


Sleep Disorders Migraines
Chronic Pain

Schedule your consultation!
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